Tales Of Pirates

#1 2009-02-02 11:25:39



Zarejestrowany: 2008-04-27
Posty: 100
Punktów :   35 

[PORADNIK] Analyze

Analyze dla Początkujących

Spis Tresci
1. Analyze - Wstęp
2. Podstawy
3. Rezultaty Analyze:
4. Jak analizować - Krótka Instrukcja
5. Tabele Analyze przy poszczególnych catalystach i z poszczególnymi poziomami przedmiotów

Analyze - Wstęp:
Analyze jest to skill mający na celu "rozbijanie" ekwipunku na jego bardziej podstawowe komponenty.
Może się wydawac kompletnie bezuzyteczny przez swoją losowosć nie mniej ma kilka bardzo ciekawych zastosowań jak np analizowanie przedmiotów celem zdobycia run, heaven entry itemów itp.

Aby rozpoczać zabawę z analyze musicie udac się do maszyny znajdującej się tuż obok NPC - Assistant Blue. 
Assistant Blue znajduje się w regionie Deep Blue w Icicle City (1339/560)

Rezultaty Analyze:

Wyniki sa totalnie losowe, nie ma żadnej szansy na sukces lub porazkę.
Jedyne na co trzeba zwracac uwage to to jakiego catalysta używacie i jaki lvl przedmiotów "rozbijacie" w maszynie.
Poniżej przedstawię tabele w których będzie spis wszystkiego co można uzyskac z analyze.
Wood Catalysts - ten catalyst nie działa, jest on totalna strata pieniędzy gdyż ciągle na dzień dzisiejszy jest zabugowany.

Particle Crystal - Przedmiot słuzący do analizowania.
Particle Crystal jest to life skill tool służący do analizowania, im wyższy jest jego poziom tym wiecej przedmiotów składowych uzyskacie z operacji analizowania.

Level 1 Particle Crystal -> otrzymacie 3 przedmioty
Level 2 Particle Crystal -> otrzymacie 4 przedmioty
Level 3 Particle Crystal -> otrzymacie 5 przedmiotów
Level 4 Particle Crystal -> otrzymacie 6 przedmiotów
Level 5 Particle Crystal -> otrzymacie 7 przedmiotów
Level 6 Particle Crystal -> otrzymacie 8 przedmiotów
Level 7 Particle Crystal -> otrzymacie 9 przedmiotów

Jak analizować - Krótka Instrukcja:
Jest to najprostszy z life skilli.
Poniżej na zdjęciu opisałem co wkładamy w poszczególne sloty maszyny analizującej.
Wyniki sa losowe i zalezą od użytego catalysta i przedmiotu o odpowiednim poziomie.
W dalszej części znajdziecie kompletną tabelę jakie można uzyskać rezultaty przy analizowaniu przedmiotów o poziomach 0-80 przy zastosowaniu odpowiednich catalystów.


Tabele Analyze przy poszczególnych catalystach i z poszczególnymi poziomami przedmiotów:

Analyze - Stone Catalyst

Lvl 0+
Red Stone
Burning Coal
Coal Ore
Long Lizard Tongue
Iron Ore Fragment
Iron Rod
Flaw Sapphire
Naiad Stone
Pink Pearl
Pure Iron Ore
Clarion Sand

Lvl 20+
Copper Ore Eolith
Copper Plate
Small Crystal
Ice Crystal
Mud Cake
Strange Metal Fragment
Crude Iron Ore
Glowing Mystic Stone
Sapphire Fragment
Clarion Crystal
Agate Crystal

Lvl 30+
Soul Stone
Crystal Eolith
Transparent Crystal
Nal Runestone
Arabic Pearl Fragment
El Runestone
Devilish Arabic Pearl Fragment
Life Stone Fragment
Terra Gold Fragment
Earthen Stone
Life Stone
Flaw Emerald
Emerald Fragment
Mud Crystal
Sticky Mud Cake
Pill Fragment
Sol Runestone
Ruby Fragment
Magical Stone Fragment
Yal Runestone
Strange Metal Cake

Lvl 40+
Mud Slice
Iron Fragment
Quartz Crystal
Solid Rock
Slippery Rock
Cam Runestone
Clarity Crystal
Silver Ore Eolith
Silver Bar
Mystic Crystal Fragment
Arabic Dark Pearl Fragment
Sparkling Arabic Pearl Fragment
Perfect Ruby
Shimmering Rock Fragment
Lightning Crystal
High Voltage Lightning Crystal
Strong Eletrical Crystal
Agate Fragment
Heart of Ice Crystal Fragment
Water Crystal
Pure Crystal

Lvl 50+
Lum Runestone
Mud Chunk
Silicon Sand
Flaw Ruby
Ja Runestone
Crystal of Nimbleness
Gold Ore Eolith
Gold Bar
Indestructible Rock
Lightning Crystal
Meteorite Fragment
Fel Runestone
Crystal of Enchantment
Perfect Sapphire
Crystal Fragment
Sparkling Stone
Tef Runestone
Mysterious Topaz Fragment
Perfect Crystal
Large Ruby Fragment
Chaos Pill

Lvl 60+
Arcane Metal
Small Magnet
Hugh Rock Fragment
Strange Metal Ore
Strange Metal
Ter Runestone
Life Crystal
Fa Runestone
Flawed Mysterious Ruby
Flawed Mysterious Ruby
Azure Crystal
Compelling Crystal
Terra Gold Ore
Small Mysterious Ruby
Mysterious Amethyst Fragment
Bewitching Siren Crystal
Azure Bewitching Crystal
Flawed Mysterious Crystal
Pink Crystal
Cursed Water Crystal
Bewitching Crystal
Clarion Fragment

Lvl 70+
Small Mysterious Crystal
Fallacy Gem Eolith
Fallacy Jewel
Sparkling Bewitching Crystal
Ancient Ghana Siren Crystal
Perfect Emerald
Ancient Siren Crystal
Terra Gold
Icy Crystal
Chilling Icy Crystal
Evil Siren Crystal
Dark Shadow Crystal
Antique Siren Crystal
Ancient Spirit Crystal
Black Pearl

Lvl 80+
Amber Crystal
Stone of Oath
Diamond Eolith
Glittering Brick
Devil Gem
Strange Metal Ore
Booming Magical Ore
Booming Magical Staff
Chilling Frost Crystal
Black Crystal
Oceania Meteorite

Analyze - Food Catalyst

Lvl 0+

Snail Feeler
Insect Hind Leg
Scorpion Tail
Fat Squid Tentacle
Octopus Tentacle
Royal Jelly
Bee Antenna
Snowy Pig Tail
Scorpion Stinger
Fresh Whelk Meat
Poisoned Fruit
Pig Tail
Webbed Penguin Feet
Dotted Codfish
Bear Paw
Fermented Honey
Crab Pincer
Strong Penguin Feet
Razer Sharp Pincers
Strong Squid Tentacle
Hypnotic Spore
Frozen Snail Feeler

Lvl 20+
Bee Ration
Huge Crab Pincers
Inedible Conch Meat
Short Boar Tail
Herbal Jelly
Unusable Crab Feet
Long Tentacle
Sticky Spider Legs
Frozen Conch Meat
Fresh Fish Meat
Tasty Squid Meat
White Sea Jelly Tentacle
Bloody Sea Jelly Tentacle
White Heart of Squid
Bloody Sea Jelly Heart

Lvl 30+
Fishy Smelling Squid Meat
Black Squid Tentacle
Rugged Pig Tail
Chameleon Pig Trotter
Squirting Fish
Stretchy Fish Meat
Black Fish Meat
Black Caviar
Fatty Squid Meat
Fatty Squid Tentacle
Shocking Tentacle
Shadow Squid Meat
Shadowy Squid Tentacle
Ruffled Wolf Tail
Polliwog Tail
Virulent Sea Jelly Tentacle
Posioned Sea Jelly Heart
Short Snail Feeler
Heart of Merman
Heavily Scarred Tentacle
Shattered Sea Jelly Heart
Large Tentacle
Dark Black Squid Meat
Tough Squid Tentacle
Glittery Dolphin Skin
Salted Octopus Meat
Soggy Octopus Tentacle
Solid Bear Paw
Cracked Tortoise Egg
Gigantic Polliwog Tail
Smelly Octopus Meat
Smelly Octopus Tentacle
Lizard Tail
Rugged Pig Trotter

Lvl 40+
Rotten Fish Meat
Rotten Caviar
Moon Tail Eel
Evil Fish Meat
Evil Fish Sauce
Stretchy Squid Meat
Elastic Octopus Tentacle
Shark Fin
Flavoured Squid Meat
Flavored Octopus Tentacle
Slimy Dolphin Skin
High Quality Tasty Fishmeat
Quality Caviar
Electrifying Sea Jelly Tentacle
High Voltage Tentacle
Pumpkin Head
Devilish Polliwog Tail
Electric Tentacle
Gravel Crab Pincer
Sandy Crab Meat
Fox Tail
Transparent Polliwog Tail
Huge Bear Paw
Depraved Merman Heart
Perfect Mermaid Heart

Lvl 50+
Diving Clam
Big Shark Dorsal Fin
Shadow Fish Heart
White Shark Dorsal Fin
Gigantic Shark Dorsal Fin
Black Shark Dorsal Fin
Sturdy Sea Jelly Tentacle
Bloody Polliwog Tail
Tempest Sea Jelly Tentacle
Razor Sharp Dorsal Fin
Heart of Temptest Sea Jelly
Hurricane Tentacle
Topaz Dolphin Dorsal Fin
Hurricane Sea Jelly Heart
Glimmering Dolphin Tail
Large Dolphin Dorsal Fin
Mature Dolphin Tail
Stone Egg

Lvl 60+
Scrap of Rotten Meat
Phoenix Prawn
Rigid Polliwog Tail
Evilish Polliwog Tail
Sturdy Polliwog Tail
Giant Lizard Tongue
Long Hair Crab Pincer
Strong Sea Jelly Tentacle
Shining Cyclonic Sea Jelly Heart
Frightful Pumpkin Head
Cursed Merman Tail
Powerful Sea Jelly Tentacle
Large Cyclonic Sea Jelly Heart
Cursed Merman Heart
Huge Dolphin Dorsal Fin
Rotten Meat
Ancient Dolphin Tail
Strong Dolphin Tail
Thick Transparent Polliwog Tail
Glimmering Dorsal Fin
Amethyst Dolphin Dorsal Fin
Ghastly Pumpkin Head
Purple Dolphin Tale
Shining Dolphin Dorsal Fin
Enlightened Dolphin Tail
Glaring Dolphin Tail

Lvl 70+
Strong Dorsal Fin
Chunk of Rotten Meat
Tiger Bone Fish
Lion Wing
Pearlie Ratfish

Lvl 80+
Starry Wood
Man-Eating Shark

Analyze - Special Catalyst

Lvl 0+
Shriveled Leaf
White Squirt Bandana
Squirt Handkerchief
White Squidy Cap
Squidy Cap
Bee Wing
Strong Gas
Black Wings
Little Snow Ball
Rainbow Glass
Heart of Naiad
Strange Mask
Ancient Scroll Fragment
Bat Wing

Lvl 20+
Earthen Element Fragment
Fake Documentation
Mystic Pen Head
Soldier Bee Wing
Lock Pick
Glacier Heart
Scrap Iron
Wind Mirror
Damaged Puck
Torn Pouch
Teary Ice Stone
Perfect Snowflake
Unusual Satchet
Mud Doll
Polluted Mud
Berserk Mark
Knight Attest
Bandit Necklace
Robot Core
Bandit Bandana
Bandit Pass
Horse Whip
Berserk Mark
Spikey Cuffs
Ancient Scroll
Smelly Water
Broken Heart of Naiad
Spider Web
Kangaroo Pouch
Boxing Gloves
Snow Spirit Wings
Heart of Purity
Cracked Iron Sword
Skeletal Bandana
Cavalier Insignia
Blue Snowball
Frosty Heart

Lvl 30+
Master Key
Lizardman Bangle
Lizard Crown
Jack's Sailor Emblem
Jack's Sailor Bandana
Iron Hook
Pirate Hat
Arabic Bandana
Cracked Arabic Pearl
Rigid Deer Hoof
Demon Wings
Special Gas
Tempest Mark
Refined Arabian Bandana
Red Snowball
King-Sized Kangaroo Pouch
Chilled Heart
Red Boxing Gloves
Evil Arabic Bandana
Smelly Gas
Miner Mole Safety Helmet
Metal Earring
Misshapen Demonic Blade
Hypnotic Gas
Old Quiver
Strange Candle
Dingle Bell
Sorrow Soul
Sorrow Heart
Ninja Sword
Broken Ninja Sword
Ninja Mask

Lvl 40+
Wailing Soul
Wailing Heart
Rusty Katana
Warrior Certificate
Broken Long Spear
Jack's Fighter Emblem
Jack's Fighter Dagger
Snowman's Earring
Rusty Broadsword
Broken Werewolf Warrior Emblem
Broken Hammer
Giant Earring
Giant Broadsword
Cracked Snowman Necklace
Slipshod Wooden Stick
Dark Arabic Bandana
High Quality Arabic Bandana
Spirit of the Swamp
Medal of the Invincible Knight
Jack's Militia Emblem
Jack's Militia Sword
Rusty Long Spear
Unyielding Bow
Giant Necklace
Giant Wooden Stick
Death Arrow
Tribal Knife
Tribal Shield
Refined Arrow Quiver
Torn Navigation Map
Stainless Steel
Old Jack the Pirate Sail
Jack the Pirate's Badge
Dark Mud Cake
Used Candle
Broken Jack's Chest
Rusty Jack the Pirate Cannon

Lvl 50+
Jack's Militia Badge
Watcher Soul
Earthen Core
Sparkling Snowman Earring
Fearsome Sword of Giant
Broken Werewolf Bow
Broken Jack's Ship Bow
Sparkling Snowman Necklace
Sakura Sailor's Emblem
Sakura Bandana
Fearsome Staff of Giant
Jack the Pirate's Direction Chart
Jack the Pirate's Banner
Jack's Ringleader Emblem
Broken Katana
Sakura Fighter's Emblem
Sakura Militia's Emblem
Unyielding Greatsword
Mark of Warrior Honor
Sakura Dirk
Sakura Sabre
Unyielding Helmet
Werewolf Warrior Emblem
Bloodied Hammer
Old Sakura Pirate Sail
Sakura Pirate Badge
Huge Stramonium Thorn
Broken Sakura Chest
Rusty Sakura Pirate Cannon
Sakura Militia Badge
Fake Navy Documentation
Broken Navy Emblem
Lizardman Belt
Heart of Mudman
Spirit Elixir
Angel Halo
Tribal Long Spear
Broken Angel Wand
Tribal Mask
Lizard Man Axe
Broken Sakura Ship Bow
Heart of Sorrow
Fallen Greatsword
Royal Emblem
Northern Sailor's Emblem
Northern Fighter's Emblem
Fallen Helmet
Royal Saber
Northern Bandana
Northern Dirk
Sakira Pirate Direction Chart
Sakura Pirate Banner
Sakura Ringleader Emblem
Special Quiver
Northern Militia's Emblem
Heart of Nature
Nothern Sabre
Dented Sacred Bow
Old Northern Pirate Sail
Nothern Pirate Badge
Heart of Misery
Wornout Katana
Warrior Leader Token
Broken Northen Chest

Lvl 60+
Rusty Northern Pirate Cannon
Northen Militia Badge
Heart of Giant
Damaged Lizardman Belt
Damaged Lizardman Blade
Terra Backpack
Pumping Metal Heart
Broken Terra Pickaxe
Dark Bow
Broken Northen Ship Bow
Demonic Giant Blade
Northern Pirate Direction Chart
Northern Pirate Banner
Northern Ringleader Emblem
Orange Dye
Rusty Lantern
Green Dye
Razor Tribal Knife
Solid Tribal Shield
Rusty Terra Battleaxe
Rusty Terra Battle Armor
Cyan Dye
Demonic Giant Stick
Necklace of Snowman Warlord
Broken Werewolf Long Bow
Purple Dye
Black Dye
Evil Greatsword
Evil Helmet
Brown Dye
Werewolf Warrior Leader's Insignia
Beardy Sailor's Emblem
Blood Drenched Hammer
Red Beardy Bandana
Rusty Siren Lance
Broken Shadow Hunter Short Bow
Royal Bodyguard Emblem
Beardy Fighter's Emblem
Beardy Militia's Emblem
Tattered Shadow Shell
Royal Sword
Red Beardy Dirk
Red Beardy Sabre
Rusty Dark Lance
Siren Arrow Pouch
Old Beardy Pirate Sail
Red Beardy Pirate Badge
Broken Angel Halo
Pointed Tribal Long Spear
Iron Casted Lizardman Belt
Nimble Heart of Nature
Cracked Angel Wand
Large Tribal Mask
Heavy Lizardman Battleaxe
Broken Bow of the Forest
Rusty Siren Bow
Red Beardy's Chest

Lvl 70+
Rusty Beardy Pirate Cannon
Red Beardy Militia Badge
Torn White Bobcat Wing
Rusty Terra Earrings
Terra Spanner
Damaged Terra Battleaxe
Broken Golden Kitty Bell
Broken terra smoking pipe
Terra Glasses
Damaged Terra Battle Armor
Mask of Mummy King
Red Beard
Cracked Merman Card
Mermaid Protector Emblem
Terra Pickaxe
Tough Lizardman Necklace
Lizardman Leader Belt
Dark Bow of Blood
Refined Terra Backpack
Heavy Lizardman Broadsword
Lizardman Leader Battleaxe
Broken Mermaid Necklace
Rusty Sharp Lance
Cracked Siren Card
Siren Guard Emblem
Heavy Terra Battleaxe
Terra Captain Battleaxe
Refined Terra Battle Armor
Terra Captain Battle Armor
Broken Siren Ornament
Ancient Lance
Beardy Pirate Direction Chart
Ancient Arrow Quiver
Beardy Pirate Banner
Red Beardy Ringleader Emblem
Broken Hunter Bow
Cracked Terra Earring
King-Size Spanner
Shadowy Coat
Old Tobacco Pipe
High Grade Terra Glasses
Ancient Bow
Corrupted Merman Card
Corrupted Siren Card
Tanned Mermaid Protector Badge
Tanned Siren Protector Badge
White Bobcat Wing
Golden Cat Bell
Excellent Werewolf Long Bow
Dyed Mermaid Necklance
Dyed Siren Ornament
Chipped Merman Card
Chipped Siren Card
Tattered Merman Emblem
Tattered Siren Emblem
Torn Black Bobcat Wing
Broken Black Bobcat Bell
Soul of Corpse Soldier
Black Bobcat Wing
Corrupted Angel Halo
Black Cat Bell
Corrupted Angel Wand
Broken Mermaid Jeweled Necklace
Broken Siren Jeweled Ornament
Evil Spear
Shadow Spear
Earthen Element Array
Evil Tribal Long Spear
Cursed White Bobcat Wing
Evil Tribal Mask
Cursed Golden Bell
Sparkling Lizardman Belt
Gloomy Heart of the Forest
Cursed Black Bobcat Wing
Large Lizardman Battleaxe
Bloodied Bow of Nature
Cursed Black Bell
Ancient Hag Spear
Ancient Dark Blue Long Spear
Robot Clamp
Piece of Armor Plate
Bloodied Bow
Ancient Merman Necklace
Ancient Merman Card
Ancient Merman Symbol
Devotee's Heart
Scythe of Anubis

Lvl 80+
Ancient Siren Ornaments
Ancient Siren Card
Ancient Siren Symbol
Heart of Pharaoh
Sigil of Anubis
Ancient Incantation
Staff of Kings
Timeless Machine
Voodoo Stick
Red Colorant
Red Colorant

Analyze - Bone Catalyst

Lvl 0+
Sharp Thorn
Flowery Snail Shell
Scorpion Carapace
Green Scale
Broken Horn
Bone Fragment
Broken Antler
Grass Tortoise Shell
Dark Tortoise Bones
Animal Sharp Horn
Short Goat Horn
Hard Shell
Trumpet Shell
Rigid Scorpion Carapace
Poisoned Thorn
Black Scale
Blue Conch
Small Conch Fragment
Well-Formed Antler
Animal Horn
Fish Bone
Wolf Claw
Wolf Fang
Flowery Conch
Great Conch Fragment
Razor Sharp Beak
Gigantic Antler
Pointed Goat Horn
Crab Carapace
Slightly Poisonous Thorn
Golden Conch Shell
Bat Fangs
Rigid Crab Carapace
Sharp Tooth
Chilling Snail Shell

Lvl 20+
Canine Tooth
Razor Wolf Fang
Razor Wolf Claw
Snail Shell
Blood Red Crab Carapace
Coarse Tortoise Shell
Owl Talon
Hard Trumpet Shell
Small Tooth
Boar Spine
Mighty Wolf Claw
Gigantic Tortoise Shell
Low Grade Antler
Edgy Carapace
Huge Wolf Claw
Snowy Trumpet Shell
Speckled Fish Scale
Well-Formed Tortoise Shell

Lvl 30+
Razor Tooth
Steel Pig Tooth
Razor Sharp Tusk
Yeti Nail
Vampiric Fangs
Slippery Scale
Black Scale
Skeleton of Sorrow Warrior
Sharp Beak
Sorrow Archer Carcass
Swift Wolf Claw
Wailing Warrior Carcass
Wailing Archer Carcass
Mole Claw
Cumbersome Carapace
Twinkling Merman Scale
Skeletal Ribs
Blunt Nail
Heated Tortoise Shell
Mangled Sheep Horn
Dangerous Sharp Claw
Elite Wailing Warrior Carcass
Deadly Poisonous Stinger
Solid Tortoise Shell
Great Bear Tooth
Multi Edge Tortoise Shell
Fish Bone
Fish Spike
Spikey Spike
Wailing Marksman Carcass

Lvl 40+
Sharp Horn
Cursed Mummy Carcass
Rotten Fish Scale
Big Tail Scale
Giant Wolf Fang
Evil Scale
Sharp Claw
Crazy Mummy Carcass
Long Stramonium Spike
Shark Tooth
Broken Strange Bone
Steel Snail Shell
Steel Feeler
Carapace Fragment
Massive Speckled Fish Scale
Sparkling Fin
Ruptured Rib
Frozen Bone Fragment
Razor Bear Tooth
Defiled Merman Scale

Lvl 50+
Chipped Werewolf Iron Claw
Boar Tusk
Intact Merman Scale
Tortoise Shell Fragment
Bloodied Wolf Fang
Shark Cartilage
Huge Shark Sawtooth
Shadow Merman Scale
White Shark Cartilage
White Shark Tooth
Mummy Nail
Razor Sharp Shark Tooth
Black Shark Cartilage
Hugh Lizard Tooth
Great Shark Tooth
Large Fish Cartilage
Mysterious Bone
Keen Shark Tooth
Dangerous Shark Cartilage
Complete Rib
Skeleton Bone Fragment
Long Fish Bone
Spikey Fish Bone Rack
Fascia Fish Bone

Lvl 60+
Dark Skeleton
Scorpion Shell
Strong Fish Rack
Thick Fish Bone
Hard Tortoise Shell
Thin Fish Bone
Rotten Small Fish Bone
Rotten Fish Bone
Rotten Bone Rack
Long Crab Shell
Cursed Carcass
Chimera Horn
Scorpion Claw
Piece of Icy Dragon Bone
Werewolf Iron Claw
Razor Sharp Fish Bone
Huge Fish Bone
Dragon Scale
Shining Fish Bone Rack
Mysterious Bone
Glimmering Scale
Blue Ray Scale

Lvl 70+
Tooth of Fox Immortal
Gigantic Wolf Fang
Pirate's Bone
Bone of Mummy
Dark Bloody Carcass
Strong Ray Scale
Ancient Scale
Gigantic Werewolf Iron Claw
Chimera Claw
Frozen Dragon Scale
Wicked Scale
Shadowy Scale
Ancient Glimmering Scale
Bloodied Carcass
Ancient Blue Scale
Anubis Teeth

Lvl 80+
Vampire Tooth
Robot Wheel
Sharp Bone
Bloody Wolf Tooth
Crystal Conch
Magical Bone

Analyze - Plant Catalyst

Lvl 0+
Leaf Bud
Sparkling Leaf
Cactus Hairball
Frozen Grass
Green Grass
Sparkling Grass
Frozen Root
Ancient Root
Melon Tuber
Three Leaf Clover
Green Leaf
Flower Bud
Cactus Blossom
Withered Branch
Sweet Smelling Flower
Icy Flower
Fresh Flower Petal
Frozen Flower Petal
Cactus Thorn
Cacus Tuber
Poison Mushroom
Fungus Spore
Little Grass
Sharp Cactus Thorn
Large Cactus Tuber
Green Corm
Bamboo Leaf
Bamboo Shoot
Phantom Tree Branch
Strange Branch
Edible Mushroom
Poisonous Mushroom
Poisonous Fungus Spore

Lvl 20+
Tail Grass
Desert Seed
Poisonous Spore
Umbrella Mushroom
Thorny Wild Water Shrub
Wild Grass
Glistening Shrub
Thorny Water Shrub
Wild Shrub
Thorny Floating Water Shrub
Floating Root
Stramonium Flower
Floating Shrub
Thorny Rotten Water Shrub
Rotten Grass
Mouldy Grass
Cursed Thorny Water Shrub
Cursed Root
Half Eaten Foilage
Cursed Shrub

Lvl 30+
Magical Branch
Four Leaf Clover
Thorny Stramonium Flower
Withered Root

Lvl 50+
Magical Branch
Four Leaf Clover
Thorny Stramonium Flower
Withered Root
Gigantic Stramonium Flower

Lvl 60+
Magical Branch
Four Leaf Clover
Thorny Stramonium Flower
Withered Root
Gigantic Stramonium Flower
Omnipotent Herb
Small Mysterious Branch
Strange Leaves
Treant Root
Mysterious Branch
Mysterious Leaf

Lvl 70+
Magical Branch
Four Leaf Clover
Thorny Stramonium Flower
Withered Root
Gigantic Stramonium Flower
Omnipotent Herb
Small Mysterious Branch
Strange Leaves
Treant Root
Mysterious Branch
Mysterious Leaf
Morph Clover
Demonic Grass
Feline Soul Grass

Analyze - Fur Catalyst

Lvl 0+
Thorny Thick Skin
Camel Eyelash
Furry Pig Mane
Camel Mane
Soft Deer Skin
Pure Wool
Thick Deer Skin
Flowery Lizard Skin
Penguin Pelt
Soft Pig Mane
Kingfisher Feather
Tail Hair
Tough Deer Skin
Silky Soft Wool
Tough Penguin Pelt

Lvl 20+
Wolf Skin
Black Feather
Snowy Fluff
High Quality Wolf Pelt
Thin Deer Skin
Animal Skin
Transparent Sea Jelly Skin
White Sea Jelly Skin
Raw Sea Jelly Skin

Lvl 30+
Burly Lizard Skin
Cloth Strip
Yeti Chest Hair
Snowy White Plume
Glittery Sea Jelly Skin
Arabic Silk
Evil Arabic Silk Cloth
Blood Red Polliwog skin
Cracked Tortoise Shell
Poisonous Sea Jelly Skin
Slimy Sea Jelly Skin
Lacerated Sea Jelly Skin
Beast Leather
Glossy Feather
Beautiful Skin
Greasy Lizard Skin
Black Polliwog Skin

Lvl 40+
Thick Wolf Hide
Tribal Feather
Dark Arabic Silk
Quality Arabic Silk
Magnificient Deer Skin
Charged Sea Jelly Skin
Electrical Jelly Skin
Evil Polliwog Skin
Shining Dolphin Tail
Torn Corpse Wrap
Intact Corpse Wrap
Massive Polliwog Skin
Translucent Polliwog Fish Tail
Defiled Merman Hair

Lvl 50+
Intact Mermaid Hair
Owl Feather
Shadow Merman Hair
Wolf Hide Masterpiece
Splendor Cloth
Coarse Fox Skin
Exquisite Fox Skin
Immortal Fox Skin
Damaged Corpse Wrap
Iron Shroud
Steel Shroud
Mummy Hair
Large Shiny Sea Jelly Skin
Bloody Polliwog Skin
High Quality Deer Skin
Beautiful Tribal Feathers
Dried Sea Jelly Skin
Dry Dolphin Skin

Lvl 60+
High Quality Deer Skin
Beautiful Tribal Feathers
Dried Sea Jelly Skin
Dry Dolphin Skin
Lizard Skin
Rigid Polliwog Skin
Giant Skin
Possessed Polliwog Skin
Beefy Polliwog Tail
Cursed Shroud
Shining Sea Jelly Skin
Cursed Mermaid Hair
Large Slimy Sea Jelly Skin
Ornament Feather
Fine Exquisite Feather
Large Polliwog Skin

Lvl 70+
High Quality Deer Skin
Beautiful Tribal Feathers
Dried Sea Jelly Skin
Dry Dolphin Skin
Lizard Skin
Rigid Polliwog Skin
Giant Skin
Possessed Polliwog Skin
Beefy Polliwog Tail
Cursed Shroud
Shining Sea Jelly Skin
Cursed Mermaid Hair
Large Slimy Sea Jelly Skin
Ornament Feather
Fine Exquisite Feather
Large Polliwog Skin
White Bear Fur
Chieftain Feather
Shining Feather
Charmed Cloth

Analyze - Liquid Catalyst

Lvl 0+
Grass Juice
Frozen Squid Ink
Murky Water
Octopus Ink
Healing Water
Tortoise Blood
Contaminated Water
Pure Water
Concentrated Squid Ink
Bitter Fruit

Lvl 20+
Animal Saliva
Animal Sweat
Animal Blood
Stramonium Juice
Spider Venom
Coagulated Liquid

Lvl 30+
Squid Ink
Black Ink
Dense Squid Ink
Dark Ink
Belched Ink
Scorpion Blood
Salty Octopus Ink
Stale Octopus Ink

Lvl 40+
Diluted Squid Ink
Nasal Squid Ink
Evil Polliwog Blood
Thick Polliwog Blood
Transparent Polliwog Blood

Lvl 50+
Raw Polliwog Blood
Fresh Polliwog Blood
Wicked Polliwog Blood
Slimy Polliwog Blood
Murky Polliwog Blood

Ostatnio edytowany przez Pietro87 (2009-02-02 11:26:08)



#2 2009-02-05 14:17:36



Skąd: niedaleko =)
Zarejestrowany: 2009-01-01
Posty: 311

Re: [PORADNIK] Analyze

Skąd zdobyc catalyst??



#3 2009-02-05 14:44:47



Skąd: Dead sea
Zarejestrowany: 2007-12-20
Posty: 268
Punktów :   17 

Re: [PORADNIK] Analyze

Z item malla lub z award center. Nie pamiętam ile imp'ów kosztuje, ale w award center napewno 49 creditów.

Cloud Sea                 
lvl 62



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